What do to with a luxury blog?

In this space, we will be exploring the things that make life great and unite our clients: in short, the good life.

Since we are based out of Canada, we will be featuring many regional events and travel opportunities, but we will also touch on amazing international travel stories, tidbits about wine culture, stories about the polo world, and generally all the things that make life worth living. Watch this space in the next few weeks for:

  • Our top 10 favourite rosé wines of the summer
  • A preview of the 2014 Fall Houston Polo season
  • Short travel profiles of Napa Valley and the Okanagan
  • Summer events and adventures
  • Previews of our favourite wine + food products hitting the market
  • Recipes with wine pairings

Photo credits (L-R): Ian McCausland,. Rebeccca Bollenbach, Jill Kwiatkoski

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