Published in the spring of each year, Houston Polo magazine serves the thriving polo community in Houston, TX. The Houston Polo Club hosts over 20,000 visitors and polo professionals each year at its lush metropolitan location in Memorial Park—in the heart of downtown Houston.

For advertising information and sponsorship packages, contact

Tammy Beeson


  • By hand and by mail to targeted luxury consumers around Houston
  • Available every week at Sunday Polo in the corporate boxes and to the attending public
  • At all polo charity events, corporate functions, galas and festivals
  • An unlimited number of copies are available to advertising partners and club sponsors to distribute to their clients and colleagues.
  • Available online at, Facebook, and Houston Polo Club


According to the Canadian 2014 Consumer Magazine Fact Book:

  • Consumers spend an average of 40 minutes reading a print magazine.
  • 92% of consumers read at least 1 magazine per week.
  • 34% of consumers set aside special “me time” to read magazines.
  • 53% of readers made a purchase based on a print ad, and 58% look for more information after seeing an ad. The number is even higher for 25–34 year olds (65%).